
Wednesday 4 September 2013

The present Indian Education view...

"It does not matter if you do the right thing or not, what matters is that you say the right thing."
                                                                                                    --the education system.
Yes the present education system is what the above is.....will you agree with me..?

The Indian Education System is a very peculiar one. Like seats in trains we fight for seats in colleges and these fights are commonly known as Competitive Examinations. I’m not here talking about these exams nor will I talk about how pressurizing it is to be in the Indian Education System, I will only showcase my views about how this education system kills the ‘thinking’ of the youth and why our country has so many problems. So, let the games begin…
The Indian Education system has taught us many things, it has taught us to lie, to cheat and to do many other ill-practices in an attempt to get a little lead in the so-called Competition of Life. Why am I saying this? This is because there are people around me who are blatant hypocrites. As to why they are what they are is because this is what education has taught all of us. A clear example illustrates my views.

Seen in this light, the purpose of education is not just to help students acquire degree and obtain jobs. If the society is not organized properly, jobs become difficult to acquire, degrees lose their meaning and education becomes a national waste as it is happening in many countries in the world today. Our students became irresponsible and directionless mob, out to destroy the very fabric of society. Instead of contributing to the progress of the nation, they became, to a large extent, a burden on the nation’s economy and society.
This is not only the fault or irresponsibility of students, it is even the syllabus or the way of teaching in the classes i.e., only theoretical knowledge and students have to by heart  it and write in exams. let me give you an example here..: when some x student writes exactly what is there in notebook so called "topper" in class will be awarded full marks. but the student who writes the same point in a different manner  he/she will not be given who should be blamed here...the student for not by hearting the notebook in this type of educational system or the teacher who only follows the notebook or the key given to them..???
let me give you another example...:now a days teachers are showing  partiality on student which shows a negative impact on so called "slow learners". When I was in my secondary school, in half yearly exams for a 15 marks question in English the so called "topper" have written a wrong answer but my teacher gave 14 marks, Many of our classmates have written a correct and a good explanation for that answer was given marks between 7-10.  Is this fare.....?!?!
If our education system is like this it is definitely a burden on the nation's economy, society and even on the golden future of the students....